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jQuery iTunes Store Search

Hi, today i would like you to present this little plugin i’ve made for you, and I’m of course talking about jQuery iTunes Store Search Plugin.

jQuery Youtube Live Feed

Hi all again, those days are pretty much active for me. I’ve got really no time of doing nothing, but today i’ve got a special gift for you :) I’m proud of this and i’m talking about Youtube Live Feed jQuery Plugin!

Let's write our first 'Hello MongoDB' with NodeJS

As you have seen recently, i’m not writing so much here, because i’m working on new technologies like NodeJS and MongoDB. Fascinated by this next-gen “AMP”, i’m trying to write my first scripts trying to make such a basic job: get some data from somewhere, save them into the DB then next, and finally, get all the items that are in our “table” (i’ll explain you later why i’m writing it like this).

[UPDATED] JonDesign's SmoothGallery Shadowbox plugin

Hi there, very little and fast post about this plugin. Today i had to make SmoothGallery to work with Shadowbox plugin (rather than Lightbox) and within an extreme surprise i didn’t found nothing on the web.

[UPDATED] How to fix npm PATH of NWM

Hello everyone again, just in a hurry, i’m here to tell how to fix npm PATH of NWM 0.1b, i knew that something was missing (didn’t notice why that final b?

Little christmas surprise for you: NWM!

Long time no see duh? Well, i didn’t forget you, neither i didn’t stop developing cool new things. In fact you can notice that right of this post, you can find some new links about me, followed by my new GitHub channel.